Peace Among the Chaos

There is so much going on in my life right now. I?m finding myself going in forty-eleven different directions. One of my nephews is getting married, another nephew just announced that he and his wife are expecting their first baby, and my only living aunt is in the hospital. I?m running with my granddaughter, filling in for the secretary at church so she can have a few days off? and trying to get a new novel in the hands of all of you who are asking for it. Not to mention all the marketing things I need to be doing to promote The Manger Mouse for this years Christmas season. Whew! There is no rest for the weary.


What is your day like? Rise and shine early? Morning chores, laundry, take care of the animals, gardening, housework? and oh by the way just to tell you how behind I am I came home from work the other day and my dear husband was washing windows. Yes, that?s right, Jerry Byrd was doing housework. What he doesn?t know is that I knew if I put cleaning those windows off long enough he?d get so frustrated trying to look out the pollen covered panes that he would wash them. You?ve heard of child psychology, well that?s a lesson in husband psychology.


No kidding, sometimes our minds are going in so many different directions that we don?t have time to think, much less carry on a conversation with the Lord. My pastor has been preaching a lot lately about putting God first, and not just trying to work Him into our schedule. I for one am guilty of doing that. The start to a perfect day is a conversation with the Lord before my feet hits the floor. When I give the day to God everything works out. But, when my mind is twirling around all the stuff I have to do, or want to do, God seems to get pushed further and further into my day until before I know it it?s bedtime and I have given my Savior nothing.


To have peace among the chaos I have to find those quiet moments to listen to the wind weave in and through the pine trees. I must ?stop? and breathe in the fragrance of life, the smells and texture of living. I need to find solitude in a place far away from everyone?s hands grabbing for my time. That?s hard for me to do since I am a people pleaser, but I must get it in my head that I need to be a God pleaser first. Even Jesus had to find solitude at times:


Mark 6:31

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

Wolfe Rock

There?s going to be a lot of ?Coming and Going? this summer with a calendar full of book signings. May is shaping up to be a very busy month. This Saturday May 3rd I?ll be in Downtown Mocksville for the Daniel Boone Festival from 10-5. Then on May 17th I?ll be at the Boonville Public Library from 11-Noon. May 31st will find me in Rural Hall to celebrate the town?s birthday at Covington Park from 9-4. And, in between my nephews wedding will be on May 24th. As busy as all this seems I will totally be fine as long as I focus on Jesus? example and find a desert place to rest for a while and converse with the One who continues to bless me with so much?even though I don?t deserve a single thing.



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