Idol, X-Factor, Agents, and Publishers

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One of the best parts of being a writer is I can go anywhere I want to in the world and stay as long as I want. I can become who ever I long to be, a rich New York City lawyer, homeless beggar, man without a heart, or woman on a mission. A writer?s mind can create anything it wants to. There is no right or wrong with so many different personalities to please. One person may read East of Eden and love it; yet another may wonder what kind of drug John Steinbeck was on?

Being a writer is kind of like being on American Idol or X-Factor. We bring our talents to a select few. Our queries go out to agents and publishers hoping the right one will hear the uniqueness of our voice: The power and humility, the compassion, the spirit and humor. There are literally thousands of authors in the world, and all we want to do is be heard. Once the writer?s bug has bitten you there is no turning back. The song in our hearts must to be set free.

A fellow Lucky Press author recently self-published a book of short stories that she had written. She, like I, had her first young adult novel traditionally published by Lucky Press, LLC, Athens, Ohio.? Unfortunately, Lucky Press is not accepting unsolicited submissions at this time as they want to fully establish the several books released within the last two years and bring as many titles as possible into ebook format.

My fellow author has also been trying to find an agent or publishing company for her next novel, but she?s not had any luck finding one either. So, she decided to self-publish her book of short stories, ?just so she could get her feet wet in the self-publishing world. Then, if she tires of the judges shredding her queries she will know a little bit about getting her work published on her own. I think my fellow Lucky Press author is a smart lady.

It?s been sixteen months since Guardian Spirit hit the shelves. I have two other novels longing to be read and several children?s books that cry for attention. So, I?ve decided to check into this self-publishing thing for myself. I started my research this weekend and found that there are hundreds of self-publishing companies out there. To which do I turn? Who is legitimate? Who are scammers?

I am very excited, and nervous about the process, but feel certain this is the route I should take with my children?s stories. The first one will be a spin-off from Guardian Spirit. I want to take children outside. To get them away from their iPods, DS, X-Box, TV, Wii, and Lord only knows what other electronic devices. I hope my children?s books will take them to a gentle flowing stream. There they may see a real beaver dam, and experience for themselves what can happen when a beaver sets his mind on doing something. It doesn?t matter how big the tree. Kids need more ?I can? instead of ?I don?t even want to try.?

I want children to learn from nature, to be able to tell the call of a hoot owl from the squawk of a crow. But, most important I want them to learn about life, how to treat each other and God?s creation, and what makes a family? To always be truthful, and honest. These ideas may seem old fashioned to you, but to me these simple guidelines are the backbone of what makes the distinction between a youngster making a bad choice and a good one.

A child should be taught the difference between right and wrong, and it needs to start at a very young age. It?s too late when the handcuffs are being slapped onto their wrists or they are lying paralyzed from a drug overdose. Yes, there have always been kids making bad choices, and there always will be, shucks I?m fifty-three years old and I make wrong decisions all the time.

But, if I can touch one life and make a difference all this fun and hard work will have been for the good. If one day someone says to my grand daughter, ? I remember reading a book that your grandma wrote called, Bog Tales. That book helped me become a better person,? then rich or poor, famous or a no-body I?ve done what I?ve been called to do.

Author?s Note: I solicit any information you may have concerning self-publishing. I?m leaning toward Amazon?s Create Space. Has anyone used them to publish? What was your experience? Please contact me via my website contact form. Thanks.

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